Premium lenses

Lens options for cataract and RLE :
If you want to reduce dependency upon glasses, premium lenses will help.
We can discuss a number of different lens options to optimise your vision.
Whether you’re near or far sighted, we’ve got you covered.
Our premium lenses come at an extra cost added to your surgery price. Depending on the lenses and suitability for your vision, our team will be able to discuss the lens prices that are suitable for you.
Blended Vision
This is the most popular premium lens option that our patients request. Blended vision involves using high definition intraocular lenses (IOLs) to correct the dominant eye for distance vision and the non-dominant eye for reading/intermediate vision. Customising the focus of each eye allows the lenses to work together to give patients independence from glasses for most activities, but glasses may be helpful for certain tasks such as reading very fine print or using the computer for long periods of time. Blended vision provides the highest definition vision and can easily be fine-tuned if required.
Clear Distance Vision
Toric Lens
Astigmatism reducing (“toric”) IOLs minimise astigmatism to provide the best visual clarity at a single distance. Astigmatism is the term for a common focus error that is usually caused by your cornea being shaped more like a rugby ball than a soccer ball. Astigmatism cannot be corrected with the normal intra-ocular lenses used in standard surgery. This special toric lens will be selected using advanced computer analysis of your eye, to provide you with clearer vision without glasses than a standard IOL.
Multifocal Lens
Multifocal IOLs are designed to provide useful focus at distance, intermediate and near, thus minimising the need for glasses. There are many types of multifocal IOLs, each with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Not everyone is suitable for multifocal IOLs. Our surgeons are experts in multifocal IOLs and can help you learn more about what premium IOL is best suited to your eyes.
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